Supporter Story: AGC Parent, Melanie Hirst, gives the gift of performing arts education!

Supporter Story: AGC Parent, Melanie Hirst, gives the gift of performing arts education!
August 20, 2024 Girls from Oz

Girls from Oz is extremely fortunate and grateful to have the ongoing support of numerous Australian Girls Choir (AGC) families, many of whom continue to surpass our expectations in their commitment to raising awareness for the g-oz cause.

We would like to thank one such AGC Parent and g-oz supporter, Melanie Hirst, for her remarkable fundraising efforts during the 2024 ‘100,000 reasons why’ Giving Circle Campaign.

Melanie raised an impressive $1105.00 through her request of family and friends to donate to g-oz in lieu of gifts for her birthday.

Securing donations both locally and internationally, Melanie’s expansive donor reach caught the attention of g-oz Head Office as many donation comments trickled into the database listing her as their donation reason. As she was not a registered 2024 Giving Circle Coordinator, we reached out to Melanie to not only express our gratitude, but to hear her fundraising story and why she chose to support g-oz:

‘I was planning my 50th birthday and rather than receive gifts, I wanted my friends (including some work colleagues) to donate to g-oz…I made a speech at my party and spoke about how much g-oz and the AGC meant to my family.’ – Melanie Hirst

This thoughtful gesture contributed significantly to the final Giving Circle campaign total of $105,230!

The campaign successfully reached its $100,000 goal with funds going directly to the 21st Travel Program. This initiative will see 30 g-oz participants from Halls Creek, Lockhart River, Bidyadanga and Kowanyama visit Sydney for a week-long, educational and cross-cultural program. The week will culminate on stage at the Sydney Opera House where g-oz participants will sing alongside the Australian Girls Choir.

‘The AGC have been a huge part of my family’s life…This is my daughter’s 13th and final year with the AGC. We feel very honoured that the g-oz girls will be in Sydney this year…I’m glad that I was able to contribute a little bit towards the Giving Circle Campaign. Thank you so much for all that you do.’ – Melanie Hirst

Girls from Oz would like to thank Melanie for her extensive efforts and for her generosity in support of g-oz. We would also like to extend this thanks to her family and friends who chose to donate to g-oz on her behalf. g-oz is delivery high-quality performing arts education and opening educational, training  and employment pathways in remote Australian communities thanks to you!

Do you have a birthday or significant event coming up? Would you like to support Girls from Oz in a similar way to Melanie?

Get in touch by emailing [email protected] to discuss how you can set up a GiveNow CrowdRaiser campaign to invest in the future education and success of girls and young women today!