Monitoring and Evaluation

At Girls from Oz we want to deliver programs that are relevant, effective, efficient, impactful and safe.

We aim to:

  • align our objectives with community goals and to meet those objectives
  • adapt to changes in the communities in which we work and assess our success factors and barriers
  • deliver high quality programs cost effectively and to measure the impact of those programs
  • identify and mitigate any risks to program participants, host families and g-oz team members.

As outlined in our Monitoring and Evaluation Framework we:

  • collaborate with the communities in which we work to set goals and objectives annually
  • collect information about our activities regularly
  • track program inputs and outputs
  • identify and solve problems quickly
  • gather information about how well our programs are performing
  • understand when and why our programs are working well and determine what could be done better or differently
  • collaborate with the communities in which we work to review our success and barriers annually
  • Larissa GrochTeacher - Halls Creek District High School
    “This week has been an amazing journey. Watching the students at the beginning of the week as shy and timid as can be in front of new people. At the end of the week they were performing in front of the Governor General and the Halls Creek community without shame and taking pride. The girls have grown so much this week and I can feel the strength that has been instilled in them."
  • Madison Calwyng-oz participant - Halls Creek District High School
    “When I grow up I want to be an English teacher. My experience singing in the big city for a famous choir has made me more confident, helped me learn to work with others. I also know now that the school and my mum will support me to do anything and go anywhere.”
  • Di TomazosFormer Deputy Principal - Halls Creek District High School
    "The girls’ family histories (stories passed down) and their first hand experiences had often led them to believe they would not be fully accepted by non-Aboriginal families. Without exception their experiences of the billeting process has been overwhelmingly positive. So good for everyone!”