Planned Giving

Leave A Legacy

Planned Giving supports the future of Girls from Oz (g-oz), helping us to continue the delivery of high-quality performing arts education to girls and young women in remote Australia.

By leaving a gift in your Will to g-oz, you will be contributing to the improvement of education and employment pathways, the overall wellbeing, and the future success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women in the remote Australian communities of Halls Creek, Lockhart River, Kowanyama and Bidyadanga.

Your gift will ensure the continued delivery of our Community Programs and Travel Programs, providing participants with unique and life-changing opportunities that would have otherwise remained inaccessible to them.

If we’re not investing in the early years, we see massive social problems down the track because it means
our children start with a gap.”

Catherine Liddle, CEO of SNAICC and g-oz Board member

Your legacy will see its impact span generations with your life-changing pledge providing access to programs and opportunities for young female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians aimed at closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians across key social indicators such as education and employment.

Success Story


Jahn-Edda, g-oz Halls Creek alumni

  • Jahn-Edda has been engaging with g-oz since her primary school years
  • She went on to travel on two Programs; Perth in 2017 and Sydney in 2019, where she spoke on the Sydney Opera House stage at the Australian Girls Choir Annual Concert.
  • Jahn-Edda was crowned Kimberley Girl 2022, which sees her supporting young women across the Halls Creek region for 2023.


How to leave a gift in your Will

If you are planning to leave a gift in your will to g-oz, we recommend that you discuss your wishes with your family and solicitor first, followed by a conversation with us.

We understand and appreciate that the decision to leave a legacy can be a very personal one. Discussions with g-oz will remain strictly confidential. Please contact g-oz General Manager Kylie Lee-Archer on (03) 9001 1885 or [email protected] for a confidential chat to express your intentions or to learn more about leaving a gift in your Will.

Please be aware that there is no legal requirement for you to tell us if you intend to leave a gift to g-oz in your Will. However, by sharing your intention with us we will be able to provide helpful, relevant and tailored information and support. Additionally, if you wish to proceed with leaving a gift in your Will, please do let us know so that we can personally thank you for your remarkable generosity.


Types of Gifts

Whole or part of your estate – You can leave your entire estate or any part of your estate to Girls from Oz.

A residual gift – A residual gift means once all specific gifts are distributed and your debts are paid, the remainder (or a proportion of the remainder) of your estate will be paid to Girls from Oz. This is a simple way to leave a gift that needn’t interfere with any specific bequests to loved ones. It will also retain its value over time (unlike a specific cash gift that can reduce in value with inflation).

A percentage of your estate – It can be difficult to choose a specific cash amount to leave when you don’t know how much will be in your estate when the time comes. Making your gift a percentage of your estate, or of the residual of your estate, means no matter the value of your final estate, the proportion you intended for Girls from Oz stays the same.

A specific amount – You can leave any identifiable property as a bequest to Girls from Oz. A specific gift may include any sum of money, cash balances in a bank amount, a residential house, commercial real estate or company shares.

An in specie gift – If you’re considering leaving real estate or shares to Girls from Oz, you may wish to consider leaving the gift in specie. This means it may be transferred directly to Girls from Oz and may save your estate paying capital gains tax on the sale of the asset. Seek appropriate legal advice to ensure this is suitable to your circumstance.