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2024g-oz newsLatest News
Celebrating 17 years of g-oz!
- by Girls from Oz

October 12th 2024 marks 17 years of g-oz supporting and advocating for the education, empowerment and success of girls and young women in remote Australia. Happy Birthday, Girls from Oz! In 17 years we have so far successfully delivered: 184 Community Programs 20 Travel Programs 3 Reverse Travel Programs Our positive, impactful work has seen over 4000 girls provided with the opportunity to engage in performing arts…

2024Latest NewsReverse Travel Program
AGC voices raising awareness for g-oz across Australia
- by Girls from Oz

There are many ways to support g-oz with one of them being the simple act of raising awareness for the positive, impactful work that we do in the communities that we collaborate with. With g-oz existing as the philanthropic arm of the Australian Girls Choir, the AGC community is our strongest, largest and most vocal group of supporters. Thanks to this committed and dedicated group of AGC…

2024Latest News
Captivated by Carnarvon: Reverse Travel Program Reflections with Elin Schulz
- by Girls from Oz

In March 2024 Girls from Oz (g-oz) concluded its programming after thirteen years in Carnarvon, WA. Hear from Elin Schulz, AGC chorister and g-oz Ambassador selected to attend the 2023 Reverse Travel Program in Carnarvon, as she tells g-oz of her unforgettable experience on Yinggarda Country. g-oz: Hi Elin, we’re excited to hear about your experience on the 2023 ‘Captivating Carnarvon’ Reverse Travel Program! Could you briefly…

2024Latest NewsSupporter Story
Supporter Story: AGC Parent, Melanie Hirst, gives the gift of performing arts education!
- by Girls from Oz

Girls from Oz is extremely fortunate and grateful to have the ongoing support of numerous Australian Girls Choir (AGC) families, many of whom continue to surpass our expectations in their commitment to raising awareness for the g-oz cause. We would like to thank one such AGC Parent and g-oz supporter, Melanie Hirst, for her remarkable fundraising efforts during the 2024 ‘100,000 reasons why’ Giving Circle Campaign. Melanie…

2024Latest News
Generations of singers and supporters: The McMullin Family
- by Girls from Oz

‘Anna and I believe that Lesley would be very happy to know that the foundation we created in her name continues to support the Australian Girls Choir in their Girls from Oz program’ – Jean McMullin The Lesley McMullin Foundation was established in memory of Lesley McMullin by her daughter, Jean, and…

2024Latest NewsUncategorised
2024 Giving Circle Campaign target achieved!
- by Girls from Oz

g-oz is thrilled to announce that the fundraising goal of $100,000 for the tenth Giving Circle Campaign has been reached for a second year in a row! Thanks to the generosity of many new and long-time donors, the unwavering support of our philanthropic and corporate partners and the Australian Girls Choir community, g-oz has surpassed its $100,000 target raising a total of $105,230. Every single dollar raised…

2024g-oz newsLatest News
2024 Giving Circles Campaign: Frequently Asked Questions
- by Girls from Oz

In 2024 we will run our 10th Giving Circles fundraising campaign. Our first Giving Circles campaign was run in 2015, and with the input of 23 Giving Circle Coordinators we raised $35,836. Skip ahead to the 2023 campaign and 45 different circles worked together to raise a total of…

2024g-oz newsLatest NewsUncategorised
Back Home in Bidyadanga: Term 1 Highlights
- by Girls from Oz

Our first trip to Bidyadanga for 2024 was fantastic! The energy from the La Grange Remote Community School students was infectious, and the highlight for our…

2024g-oz newsLatest News
Girls from Oz Announces New Partnership with AGIG
- by Girls from Oz

In exciting news, Girls from Oz (g-oz) announces a new partnership with the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), marking another step forward in our ongoing mission to empower young women through the performing arts.

2024g-oz newsLatest News
Big cities and big achievements: How our Travel Programs open up a world of opportunities
- by Girls from Oz

Every year, g-oz facilitates the running of a Travel Program that sees a select group of participants from all of our communities travel to spend a week in a bustling metropolitan city. Alongside their peers, the girls have…