Consistent return of g-oz felt by Lockhart River girls

Consistent return of g-oz felt by Lockhart River girls
April 17, 2019 Girls Oz

Last week I led a team of three in the community of Lockhart River for the first time.

The week was a great success and a wonderful opportunity for me to hone my leadership skills! The team and I made some great connections with staff at the school and with government representatives who travel in and out of the community. We were also fortunate to visit town at the same time esteemed g-oz Patron, Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO.

Ms Bryce is not only our Patron, but is also Patron of the Puuya Centre in Lockhart River, which is an early learning centre providing an amazing space for both young children and mothers of the community who attend.

I think over the last few years the returning presence of Girls from Oz has really been felt by the students, especially the secondary girls. We seem to be becoming a household name and the girls truly look forward to our termly visits. We are constantly working to solidify trust and respectful relationships, and I truly believe that there is no better way to do this than through the performing arts.

Thanks Lockhart State School!

By Rosie Byth, g-oz Team Leader, Lockhart River March 2019