How much can eight girls do in one week?

How much can eight girls do in one week?
December 10, 2017 Girls Oz

Frolicking with the Queensland Ballet, afternoon tea with a former Governor-General, hitting cricket balls with Queensland Fire players, one day seeing Wizard of Oz at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre and the next day doing two performances there with the Australian Girls Choir – and all in one week?

The eight grade five and six g-oz girls selected for this Travel Program fitted all of this in and more, but not before they travelled 2,500kms to get from their home town of Lockhart River to Brisbane.

Cynthia, Savika, Emma, Eva, Lizzy, Mawella, Shauretta and Stacey were hosted by warm and generous Australian Girls Choir families for six nights and we heard many stories of the fun they had with their host sisters. Of their experience hosting the Palmer family said, “We all loved being involved as a host family for g-oz and getting to know the girls while they were in our care. We still reflect on the fun times we had during that week.”