g-oz is thrilled to announce Atria Real Estate as it’s first Corporate Partner.
Atria Real Estate was founded by agent/auctioneer Simone Chin to provide vendors, in Melbourne, with an alternative in the real estate industry.
Simone, with a background in performing arts also understands the reward of being disciplined and how to drive oneself. “Getting to know yourself as a young person through the vehicle of performing arts can be so helpful throughout life, it’s always great to know how to express oneself thought the discipline of movement or music.”
Speaking of the Partnership, Simone says “Real Estate is a great career and we do get rewarded very nicely, and I want to share that and help some other girls along their journey to complement how kind people have been to me throughout my life.”
We are truly excited to embark on this partnership with Simone, who is already inspiring others to make a big difference, having committed to donating 10% of all profits to support programs like Girls from Oz.
Watch g-oz Chair Nicole Muir AM and Atria Director Simone Chin talk about the exciting new partnership: