A term of records: Three instructors celebrating milestone trips

A term of records: Three instructors celebrating milestone trips
April 7, 2020 Girls Oz

Welcome to the g-oz milestone series!

Over the next couple of weeks, while our g-oz Instructors bunker down at home like the rest of Australia, we thought we’d share the stories of three team members recently returned home from Carnarvon and Halls Creek, where they celebrated milestone trips. We invited these instructors to share their g-oz experience, and why being a part of the g-oz program is a special part of their lives.

After a week of program delivery in Carnarvon, Laura Brown completed her 20th g-oz trip! Laura has been going on trips since our second year working in Halls Creek, way back in 2011. Laura is professional dancer, choreographer and performer, and we are incredibly lucky to have her as a core part of the g-oz instructor team.

What made you want to go on your first trip?

My friend Jessica Daniel came back from one of the very first Halls Creek trips with photos and stories to tell of this beautiful community and the kids they were working with. I thought it looked amazing so wanted to follow in her footsteps and get involved.

Laura Brown on her first g-oz trip in 2011

Can you share one of your favourite g-oz moments?

One of my favourite moments has been working with the Halls Creek girls to create their performance for YOH Fest (Youth on Health) a few years ago. It was the first time the Halls creek girls really committed to coming after school to practice and it was so much fun working with their ideas to help them create a dance piece (While their younger sisters & brothers ran around us or joined in as well). They were so invested in helping design costumes, choosing music, and giving choreography ideas, such a great achievement.

What would you say to someone who doesn’t know about g-oz, but should?

g-oz is a program that influences these girls in so many ways other than just the performing arts. Getting to know them and helping guide them to gain confidence, strength, and find their voice are all amazing skills that are filtering down. The differences in the g-oz schools over the years we have been visiting are huge, you can feel the impact the program has had through the first generation who have actually gone through their whole school life with us.