Girls from Oz exists because directors and members of the senior management team of the Australian School of Performing Arts (ASPA) were driven to find ways to provide opportunities for girls in regional and remote Australia similar to those available to the Australian Girls Choir (AGC).
The range of ways that individuals connected with ASPA support g-oz is wide and growing, and includes:
- Enthusiastic senior AGC choristers who are elected by their peers as Community Leaders drive fundraising and awareness-raising activities to engage girls of all ages
- ASPA staff members who take time out of work or study to teach in Halls Creek, Carnarvon or Lockhart River
- Families of AGC choristers who host g-oz girls involved in the travel program
- AGC Alumni who lead fundraising initiatives led by AGC Alumni
- AGC parents who make donations via the fee payment system, the sale of second-hand uniforms and at events
Our relationship with ASPA as an organisation enables the sharing of various essential resources including the basic infrastructure and materials required to deliver high quality music and dance education.