Ensuring long-term success
Previously, g-oz primarily sought financial support through grants. In recent years we have sought to develop revenue streams that will provide reliable and sustainable sources of income that will ensure our long-term success.
Girls from Oz is committed to building a sustainable business model that supports the ongoing provision of the program in each community. We ensure that existing programs are reliably funded before establishing relationships in new communities and growing the reach of g-oz.
Building a reliable and sustainable donor base
Since launching we have grown our donor base from 25 Founding Donors to 5200 individual donors in 2024, donating from $5 to $10,000.
In fourteen years we’ve managed to establish wonderful ongoing relationships with donors whose commitment and financial support have enabled the organisation to grow.
The annual g-oz Giving Circles Campaign
In order to become less reliant on grant income, we set out to substantially grow our donor base. We achieved this by creating our ‘Giving Circles’ campaign in 2015, which we have successfully coordinated ever since. Based on the collective giving concept, giving circles are a group of like-minded people who pool their donations together so that their money effectively has more impact.
This campaign was launched in 2015 and supported by a Creative Partnerships Australia Plus1 grant in its inaugural year.
Through these campaigns we:
- Aimed to raise $25,000 in three months in 2015. We raised in excess of $36,000 and received $35,000 in matched funding from Plus1 and Creative Partnerships Australia.
- Worked to raise #30grandin3months in 2016. We were pleased to raise a total of $60,000 through $47,000 in donations and $13,000 of corporate funding.
- Aimed to #find40 in 2017. We were thrilled to receive over $51,000 in donations and $20,000 in matched funding from the Sahathevan family and directors of the Australian School of Performing Arts.
- Worked on #finding48 in 2018 and we were thrilled to raise over $59,000 in donations and $30,000 in matched funding from the Sahathevan family and directors of the Australian School of Performing Arts.
- Aimed to raise #60foroursisters in 2019. We raised in excess if $61,000 in donations and received $35,000 in matched funding from the Sahathevan family and directors of the Australian School of Performing Arts.
- In 2020 we aimed for #20kfortoday and #20ktopavetheway, due to the impact of both COVID-19 and the January bushfires. We raised over $110,000!
- 2021 saw us aim to raise #50fortheirfuture. We raised nearly double that, over $99,000.
- 2022 saw us aim to raise #50forfive. We surpassed our $50,000 target and raised $103,182.
- In 2023 we boldly aimed to raise $100,000 for our #100000reasonswhy campaign and successfully secured $113,100.
- 2024 saw us strive to reach 2023’s #100000reasonswhy goal once more. We surpassed our target for a second year in a row with a grand total of $105,230 raised.
We have also harnessed the giving potential of our sister organisation, the Australian Girls Choir (AGC). With over 5,000 AGC choristers across Australia, we now actively seek donations from these families. This yielded nearly $25,000 in 2017 and grows each financial year.
Additionally, the enthusiasm and unwavering support for g-oz from AGC choristers across Australia have resulted in increasingly successful fundraising events held during the Giving Circles Campaign. From bake sales and sausage sizzles to movie nights and public performances, these events have raised amounts from $100 to $4000 in donations as donated through personalised GiveNow CrowdRaisers linked to our GiveNow donation page.
Supported by a strong partnership
The Australian School of Performing Arts (ASPA) is our Principal Partner and they support us in a number of tangible ways. ASPA directors have provided substantial in-kind support since our inception and are committed to continuing to do so. This includes:
- Infrastructure – office space, insurance
- Administration
- Accounting and management support
- Intellectual property – g-oz Instructors are able to select and modify g-oz program content from ASPA’s music and dance routine library, which has been developed over more than 30 years
- Copyright
- Development and training of g-oz Instructors
- Allowing ASPA staff members to take leave without pay to deliver g-oz programs