
Donate to a bright future

We have been able to achieve a lot in 16 years thanks to the support of our generous donors and partners, but we need your help to keep growing. Big or small, we value your donation as it ensures we can continue to make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of girls living in remote and regional Australia.

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible and there are a number of ways you can donate to g-oz.

2024 Giving Circles Campaign: g-oz Travel Programs: 100,000 reasons why 

Our 10th Giving Circles campaign runs from Sunday May 26 – Sunday June 30, 2024 with an aim of raising $100,000 to fund our Travel Program to Sydney.

This November will see us run our 21st Travel Program. Girls from Halls Creek, Lockhart River, Kowanyama and Bidyadanga will visit Sydney for a week of singing, dancing and cultural connection. Along with these activities, we weave in some visits to further education and training settings, and introduce them to a range of professionals who we hope will inspire them.

Since 2010, over 200 girls have travelled on 20 Travel Programs to five capital cities. For context, it costs g-oz $20,000 in direct costs to bring one community to a capital city for a week. The Travel Program celebrates the cultural identity of the girls, while providing vital opportunities for them to learn how to thrive when they are away from home.

We aim to spark imagination in these young women about what they might be when they grow up.  In one week they are exposed to an incredible range of people and experiences that we hope will inspire them to remain engaged at school and strive to be successful. These opportunities aren’t available in their home towns and we know the lasting benefits of eye-opening experiences in this impressionable age group.

Nicole Muir AM – g-oz Chair

We are beyond thrilled to announce the total of last year’s Giving Circle campaign; with an aim of $100,000, we were overwhelmed by the breadth of contributions this year, from floods of $5 and $10 donations to those in excess of $10,000. We’re so pleased to announce our final total was $113,100!

Since 2015, our Giving Circles program has raised in excess of $600,000 and we’re eternally grateful to all supporters who help us to make important educational opportunities available to Girls from Oz participants.

Other ways to donate

Donate online

The simplest way to donate is through the online giving platform GiveNow. Using this secure platform you can easily set up a recurring donation or make one-off donations. Once your donation has been processed, GiveNow immediately issues donors with a receipt for taxation purposes. Please use the GiveNow form shown here to set up your one-off or regular donation.

Workplace Giving

If your employer has a workplace giving program in place, you can nominate Girls from Oz as your preferred charity and start giving through your organisation’s payroll system. Workplace giving through Good2Give is an effective way to raise money for g-oz. Please contact us if you’re interested in setting this up.


Shopnate enables users to donate to a charity at no additional cost every time they shop online with selected retailers. Shopnate’s partner retailers pay a small commission on all items purchased, which is donated to g-oz. Visit Shopnate to sign up and start donating.

Other ways to donate

Donate directly by posting a cheque or money order to our office. Please ensure you include your name and return address or email address so we can issue a receipt for taxation purposes.

If you would like to donate your time, please fill in our Volunteer form and we will be in contact shortly. If you would like to support us in any other way, please contact us to discuss your idea.

ACNC-registered charity 

Girls from Oz is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission; the independent national regulator of charities.

You can find out more about the ACNC and view g-oz’s Charity Register listing by clicking on the registered charity tick.