Delivering programs designed
to inspire and engage
Delivering programs designed
to inspire and engage
g-oz Because g-oz Because
Program outcomes that
speak for themselves
Program outcomes that
speak for themselves
Program Evaluation Program Evaluation
Developing reliable and sustainable
sources of income
Developing reliable and sustainable
sources of income
Our Funding Model Our Funding Model


Girls from Oz (g-oz) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing education and employment pathways and the overall wellbeing of girls and young women in remote Australia.

Our programs use the reputable, evidence-based performing arts engagement model as developed by the Australian School of Performing Arts over the past 40 years to engage and re-engage individuals in their schooling.

Latest News and Events

  • Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVOg-oz Patron
    “Girls from Oz is utterly inspiring – it builds talent, confidence and self discipline in the girls who thrive through involvement in the program.”
  • Kathleen NoonanJournalist
    “In a world where we tend to park the ambulances at the bottom of the cliff and pour money into pick-up-the-pieces services, donating to Girls from Oz is like putting safety rails at the top of the cliff. It’s intelligent philanthropy.”
  • Mysti Bedford-McGintyg-oz Participant - Halls Creek District High School
    “This week I really enjoyed g-oz. G-oz makes me feel very happy, strong and proud of who I am."
  • Darren FoynesParent of Halls Creek student
    “I am 100% behind g-oz. It gives them opportunity to develop not just in sport, not just in art, but it helps them develop holistically as young women and gives them another avenue to develop their own life.”
  • Kathleen NoonanJournalist
    “Girls from Oz does potent, targeted, nuanced and intelligent work. It knows if you educate a girl, you educate a community.”

Latest Instagram Posts

Today we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which Girls from Oz meets, sings and dances:

the Kokoberra, Kokomenjen and Kunjen peoples of Kowanyama;

the Wuthathi, KuukuYa’u, Uuthalganu, Umpila and Kaanju peoples of Lockhart River;

the Jaru and Kija people of Halls Creek;

and the Karajarri, Juwalinny, Mangala, Nyungamarta and Yulpartja people of Bidyadanga.

We pay respect to all Elders, past and present.

Why g-oz? Because...

Thank you, Teagan, for sharing these lovely words with us!

Teagan is a teacher at La Grange Remote Community School in Bidyadanga (WA) where g-oz has been delivering high-quality performing arts programming since 2022.
To learn more about the positive impact g-oz is having on the next generation of girls living in regional and remote Australia, head to our website, link in bio.

#girlsfromoz #goz #gozbecause #bidyadanga #bidgykids #lagrangeremotecommunityschool #westernaustralia #communityprograms

Thank you, Dale and Raw Energy Dance Education!

g-oz would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Dale, REDed Founder and Head of REDed, who is not only a g-oz Founding Donor, but also one of our g-oz Champion Donors, having contributed a total of $10,521 to g-oz since 2013. 

“My commitment to g-oz is built on the foundations of a beautiful relationship, deep respect for the organisation and 100% belief in the transformative powers of it’s program for young women.” - Dale Pope, @rededofficial Founder

Dale is also one of our g-oz Giving Circle Campaign 'Donors for a Decade', having donated to g-oz for ten years throughout each and every annual g-oz Giving Circle fundraising campaign. 

Thank you once again, Dale, for your remarkable support and longstanding commitment to g-oz. We deeply appreciate all that you and REDed have done and continue to do for g-oz!

To learn more about REDed, head to @rededofficial

To donate to g-oz today, please visit our website, link in bio.

#girlsfromoz #goz #rawenergydanceeducation #REDed #gozsupporterstory #givingcircles #donorforadecade #philanthropy
Today we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which Girls from Oz meets, sings and dances:

the Kokoberra, Kokomenjen and Kunjen peoples of Kowanyama;

the Wuthathi, KuukuYa’u, Uuthalganu, Umpila and Kaanju peoples of Lockhart River;

the Jaru and Kija people of Halls Creek;

and the Karajarri, Juwalinny, Mangala, Nyungamarta and Yulpartja people of Bidyadanga.

We pay respect to all Elders, past and present.

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Why g-oz? Because...

Thank you, Teagan, for sharing these lovely words with us!

Teagan is a teacher at La Grange Remote Community School in Bidyadanga (WA) where g-oz has been delivering high-quality performing arts programming since 2022.
To learn more about the positive impact g-oz is having on the next generation of girls living in regional and remote Australia, head to our website, link in bio.

#girlsfromoz #goz #gozbecause #bidyadanga #bidgykids #lagrangeremotecommunityschool #westernaustralia #communityprograms
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Thank you, Dale and Raw Energy Dance Education!

g-oz would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Dale, REDed Founder and Head of REDed, who is not only a g-oz Founding Donor, but also one of our g-oz Champion Donors, having contributed a total of $10,521 to g-oz since 2013. 

“My commitment to g-oz is built on the foundations of a beautiful relationship, deep respect for the organisation and 100% belief in the transformative powers of it’s program for young women.” - Dale Pope, @rededofficial Founder

Dale is also one of our g-oz Giving Circle Campaign 'Donors for a Decade', having donated to g-oz for ten years throughout each and every annual g-oz Giving Circle fundraising campaign. 

Thank you once again, Dale, for your remarkable support and longstanding commitment to g-oz. We deeply appreciate all that you and REDed have done and continue to do for g-oz!

To learn more about REDed, head to @rededofficial

To donate to g-oz today, please visit our website, link in bio.

#girlsfromoz #goz #rawenergydanceeducation #REDed #gozsupporterstory #givingcircles #donorforadecade #philanthropy
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