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  • Kathleen Noonan 2

    - by Girls Oz

    “In a world where we tend to park the ambulances at the bottom of the cliff and pour money into pick-up-the-pieces services, donating to Girls from Oz is like putting safety rails at the top of the cliff. It’s intelligent … View Full Post

  • Darren Foynes 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “I am 100% behind g-oz. It gives them opportunity to develop not just in sport, not just in art, but it helps them develop holistically as young women and gives them another avenue to develop their own life.”… View Full Post

  • Kathleen Noonan 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “Girls from Oz does potent, targeted, nuanced and intelligent work. It knows if you educate a girl, you educate a community.”… View Full Post

  • Mysti Bedford-McGinty 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “This week I really enjoyed g-oz. G-oz makes me feel very happy, strong and proud of who I am.”… View Full Post

  • Quentin Bryce 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “Girls from Oz is utterly inspiring – it builds talent, confidence and self discipline in the girls who thrive through involvement in the program.”… View Full Post