g-oz Because

  • Melany Beardmore

    - by Girls Oz

    “I have really enjoyed g-oz coming to Halls Creek because they’re giving us the chance to shine, not be shame and to learn different songs and dances. I have enjoyed being part of the g-oz group because it has helped … View Full Post

  • Kristyn

    - by Girls Oz

    “Dancing and singing is fun, even my little sister now knows the moves and how to sing songs because I taught her. One girl came up to me and said ‘how can you sing and dance like that?’ I said … View Full Post

  • Rosemary Paterson

    - by Girls Oz

    “The Girls from Oz instructors coach the girls to be happy, building their self-esteem and resilience using dance and singing as a tool. They interact in the most accepting and caring manner that students respond to. The girls know that … View Full Post

  • Michelle Ellis

    - by Girls Oz

    “It gives them a lot of confidence, it encourages them to be more than what they are and makes them feel they are capable of anything.”… View Full Post

  • Rena Abreu 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “I like g-oz because it helped me build my confidence and helped me express myself as a young woman and now I use those skills that I developed with g-oz in my job for Shooting Stars”… View Full Post

  • Darryl Dedman 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “The self-assurance and poise that result from the g-oz experience are revealed in students’ increasing willingness to speak and perform at our assemblies and, I believe, deliver enhanced prospects for employment, education and community involvement in the future.”… View Full Post

  • Kathleen Noonan 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “Girls from Oz does potent, targeted, nuanced and intelligent work. It knows if you educate a girl, you educate a community.”… View Full Post

  • Mysti Bedford-McGinty 1

    - by Girls Oz

    “This week I really enjoyed g-oz. G-oz makes me feel very happy, strong and proud of who I am.”… View Full Post