Give the gift of performing arts education
We value your donation, no matter how big or small, as it ensures we can continue to make an enduring, positive impact within the communities that we work:
Thanks to the generosity of many new and long-time donors, the unwavering support of our philanthropic and corporate partners and the Australian Girls Choir community, g-oz has been able to achieve a lot since 2009!
However, we need your help to ensure the sustainability and continued success of our programming and to expand our positive impact to reach as many girls living in remote Australia as possible!
‘At first I would only come to school when Girls from Oz were at school. It then drew me to come into school and participate in my classes, helped me build my attendance up really well. Girls from Oz played a large part in that. I don’t think I would have graduated, or I don’t know, attended school if it wasn’t for g-oz.’
– Sophia, g-oz Halls Creek alumni
Donations over $2 are tax-deductible and there are a number of ways that you can donate:
Regular Giving
Become a regular donor and you’ll help to break the cycle of disadvantage experienced by girls and young women living in remote Australia.
Regular Giving to g-oz can be established by setting your donation to ‘Monthly’ on the embedded platform above.
By setting up a recurring donation every four weeks, you provide a stable income for g-oz to continue to support and uplift the next generation of Australian women, assisting in the expansion of their skillset, passion, health, and horizons that ensures their future personal, educational and economic success.
Donate online
Alternatively, you can easily make a one-time donation via the secure GiveNow donation platform above. Once your donation has been processed, GiveNow will immediately issue you with a receipt for taxation purposes.
Workplace Giving
If your employer has a Workplace Giving Program in place, you can nominate Girls from Oz as your preferred charity and start giving through your organisation’s payroll system. Workplace giving through Good2Give is an effective way to raise money for g-oz. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to set up your donations to g-oz this way.
Planned Giving / Bequests
Invest in the education and future success of girls and young women living in some of Australia’s most remote and at-risk communities by leaving a legacy with a gift to Girls from Oz in your Will. Please let us know if you have left us a gift in your Will as we would love to get in touch and personally thank you!
Shopnate enables users to donate to a charity at no additional cost every time they shop online with selected retailers. If selected, Shopnate’s partner retailers will pay a small commission on all items purchased which is then donated to g-oz. Visit Shopnate to sign up and start this donation process.
ACNC-registered charity 
Girls from Oz is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission; the independent national regulator of charities.
You can find out more about the ACNC and view g-oz’s Charity Register listing by clicking on the registered charity tick.